Niigata Foundation announces José Graziano da Silva as Grand Prix winner

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Niigata International Food Award Foundation announces José Graziano da Silva as Grand Prix winner for the 7th Niigata Prize

The Board of Directors of “Niigata International Food Award Foundation “selected the 7th winners of the prize.

Grand Prix: Dr. José Graziano da Silva

Former Director-General UN FAO / General Director of the Zero Hunger Instituto (Instituto Fome Zero):Brazil, Italy

A leader who eradicated hunger in Brazil through the Zero Hunger (Fome Zero) program. As Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), he led the world’s Zero Hunger Movement and achieved great success in eradicating hunger around the world.

Zero Hunger was also included in the UN’s 17 SDG goals.

See the announcement here