WORLD FOOD FORUM 2024 Grand Opening Remarks

Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General opening speech | 14/10/2024 Excellences, Ladies and gentlemen, Dear colleagues, Welcome to the 2024 World Food Forum! I am truly delighted to be here today,…

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Qu Dongyu, FAO Director-General

José Graziano receives the title of professor emeritus

The retired teacher implemented the Zero Hunger program during President Lula's first government and was a former director-general of the FAO Jornal da Unicamp | 08/10/2024 José Graziano received a…

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ECVC launches new publication on how to implement UNDROP across Europe

Read ECVC's new set of policy recommendations for international and regional organisations, European policy-makers, and national and local authorities, in order to push for the implementation of UN Declaration of…

Comentários desativados em ECVC launches new publication on how to implement UNDROP across Europe
Leia mais sobre o artigo ECVC launches new publication on how to implement UNDROP across Europe
ECVC how to implement UNDROP Policy Brief 202409