Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition, in the context of urbanization and rural transformation

Food demand is shaped by food environments, such as the physical, economic, political and socio-cultural context in which consumers engage with the food system to make their decisions about acquiring,…

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Leia mais sobre o artigo Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition, in the context of urbanization and rural transformation
Watermelons being offloaded from boats in the port of Sadar Ghat in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008 ©FAO/Giulio Napolitano

¿Por qué hay tanta hambre en el mundo?

Por Amartya Sen | FAO Roma, 15-22 de junio de 2013 1 Me siento muy privilegiado de tener el honor y la oportunidad de pronunciar este año la Disertación en…

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15 June 2013, Rome, Italy - Professor Amartya Sen delivering the McDougall Memorial Lecture. FAO Conference, 38th Session. FAO headquarters [Photo: ©FAO/Giulio Napolitano]

World Food and Agriculture Statistical Yearbook 2023

FAO Rome | 2023 Timely, accurate and high-quality data and statistics are the cornerstone of solid policy design, where decisions are based on hard evidence, and monitoring and evaluation rely…

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A Injustiça Climática: Medindo os impactos das mudanças climáticas sobre os pobres rurais, mulheres e jovens

FAO Roma | 02/04/2024 Por que o clima é injusto? Embora as mudanças climáticas sejam uma crise global, seus efeitos sobre países, pessoas e comunidades são altamente desiguais. Aqueles que…

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Projeção de fome em Gaza: FAO pede acesso imediato para fornecer assistência urgente e crítica em larga escala

Novos dados revelam que metade da população, ou cerca de 1,1 milhão de pessoas, está enfrentando uma insegurança alimentar catastrófica Blog do IFZ | 21/03/2024 FAO ROMA | A Organização…

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Leia mais sobre o artigo Projeção de fome em Gaza: FAO pede acesso imediato para fornecer assistência urgente e crítica em larga escala
Palestinos buscam água, em Jabalia, para usar em suas casas devido à escassez de água em decorrência da escalada contínua das hostilidades na Faixa de Gaza

The FAO Council Chairperson who revolutionized the geopolitics of hunger

More than 70 years later, Josué de Castro’s view of a world without hunger still holds strong FAO | 08/12/2023 ROME | Imagine a world with two-thirds of its population…

Comentários desativados em The FAO Council Chairperson who revolutionized the geopolitics of hunger
Leia mais sobre o artigo The FAO Council Chairperson who revolutionized the geopolitics of hunger
Josué de Castro and his book, The Geopolitics of Hunger, would change world views on hunger and influence global food policies to this day. De Castro served as the Independent Chairperson of the FAO Council from 1951 to 1955. ©FAO

FAO report: Agrifood sector faces growing threat from climate change-induced loss and damage

Following the COP28 agreement to activate a new fund for loss and damage, recent analysis highlights agriculture perceived as the most severely affected sector FAO | 01/12/2023 ROME | Agrifood…

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Leia mais sobre o artigo FAO report: Agrifood sector faces growing threat from climate change-induced loss and damage
16 May 2022, Netrokona, Bangladesh - Two farmers are trying to salvage their damaged crops that have been ruined by a flash flood.