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Qual o tamanho da ambição climática dos BRICS?

20/04/2023 | 10:00 - 12:00

Qual o tamanho da ambição climática dos BRICS

Qual o tamanho da ambição climática dos BRICS? (How big is the BRICS countries’ climate ambition?)

A Plataforma Socioambiental do BRICS Policy Center, em parceria com o iCS e com o CPDA/UFRRJ, convida para a mesa-redonda virtual “Qual o tamanho da ambição climática dos países BRICS?”, nesta quinta-feira, dia 20 de abril, das 10h às 12h.

Iremos contar com especialistas dos países BRICS para discutir a real ambição dos compromissos e políticas assumidos por essas nações no combate à mudança do clima, no contexto do Acordo de Paris. A mesa-redonda terá a participação de Stela Herschmann (Observatório do Clima), Beatriz Mattos (Plataforma Socioambiental do BRICS Policy Center), Tian Yan Baxter (Global Environmental Institute), Angelina Davydova (jornalista ambiental e climática), Sibulele Poswayo (BRICS Feminist Watch), Soumya Dutta (Movement for Advancing Understanding on Sustainability And Mutuality and Greenpeace India) e Aditi Kapoor (Alternative Futures).

(English below)

The Socio-Environmental Platform of BRICS Policy Center, in partnership with Institute for Climate and Society (iCS) and CPDA/UFRRJ, invites all to the virtual roundtable “How big is the BRICS countries’ climate ambition?”, to be held this Thursday, April 20, 10 am to 12 pm (Brazil time, GMT -3). We will have experts from the BRICS countries to discuss the real ambition of the commitments and policies assumed by these nations in the fight against climate change, in the context of the Paris Agreement. Stela Herschmann (Observatório do Clima – OC), Beatriz Mattos (Socio-Environmental Platform/BRICS Policy Center), Tian Yan Baxter (Global Environmental Institute), Angelina Davydova (environmental and climate journalist), Sibulele Poswayo (BRICS Feminist Watch), Soumya Dutta (Movement for Advancing Understanding of Sustainability And Mutuality – MAUSAM) and Aditi Kapoor (Alternative Futures).




10:00 - 12:00
