FAO report: Agrifood sector faces growing threat from climate change-induced loss and damage

Following the COP28 agreement to activate a new fund for loss and damage, recent analysis highlights agriculture perceived as the most severely affected sector FAO | 01/12/2023 ROME | Agrifood…

Comentários desativados em FAO report: Agrifood sector faces growing threat from climate change-induced loss and damage
Leia mais sobre o artigo FAO report: Agrifood sector faces growing threat from climate change-induced loss and damage
16 May 2022, Netrokona, Bangladesh - Two farmers are trying to salvage their damaged crops that have been ruined by a flash flood.

Instituto Fome Zero at COP 28: Agroecology, food security and climate change adaptation

Clayton Campagnolla & José Graziano da Silva | November, 2023 Instituto Fome Zero (Zero Hunger Institute) presents at the COP 28 a Manifesto proposing measures to reduce the impacts of climate change…

Comentários desativados em Instituto Fome Zero at COP 28: Agroecology, food security and climate change adaptation

Richest 1% account for more carbon emissions than poorest 66%, report says

‘Polluter elite’ are plundering the planet to point of destruction, says Oxfam after comprehensive study of climate inequality Jonathan Watts in The Guardian | 20/11/2023 The richest 1% of humanity is…

Comentários desativados em Richest 1% account for more carbon emissions than poorest 66%, report says
Leia mais sobre o artigo Richest 1% account for more carbon emissions than poorest 66%, report says
While the wealthiest 1% tend to live climate-insulated lives, their emissions are responsible for immense suffering

Colombia passes ambitious ‘junk food law’ to tackle lifestyle diseases

The Latin American country is one of the first in the world to introduce a health tax targeting ultra-processed foods The Guardian | 10/11/2023 A new law in Colombia making it one…

Comentários desativados em Colombia passes ambitious ‘junk food law’ to tackle lifestyle diseases
Leia mais sobre o artigo Colombia passes ambitious ‘junk food law’ to tackle lifestyle diseases
Sweets on display in a shop in Cartagena, Colombia. A new law in the country will tax ultra-processed foods [Photo: Jeff Greenberg/Getty Images]

Panorama Regional da Segurança Alimentar e Nutrição da América Latina e Caribe 2023

Aumento no preço da alimentação saudável aumenta a fome e a obesidade na América Latina e Caribe IFZ | 09/11/2023 O Escritório da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação…

Comentários desativados em Panorama Regional da Segurança Alimentar e Nutrição da América Latina e Caribe 2023
Leia mais sobre o artigo Panorama Regional da Segurança Alimentar e Nutrição da América Latina e Caribe 2023
Panorama regional de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición - América Latina y el Caribe 2023

SOFA 2023 The State of Food and Agriculture

Revealing the true cost of food to transform agrifood systems Agrifood systems generate significant benefits to society, including the food that nourishes us and jobs and livelihoods for over a…

Comentários desativados em SOFA 2023 The State of Food and Agriculture
Leia mais sobre o artigo SOFA 2023 The State of Food and Agriculture
SOFA 2023 The State of Food and Agriculture