Is obesity a disease?

It wasn’t. But it is now. The Economist | 15/01/2025 For years there has been a push to recognise obesity as a disease in its own right, and therefore something…

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Obese woman, coloured magnetic resonance (MRI) scan [Photograph: Science Photo Library]

WORLD FOOD FORUM 2024 Grand Opening Remarks

Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General opening speech | 14/10/2024 Excellences, Ladies and gentlemen, Dear colleagues, Welcome to the 2024 World Food Forum! I am truly delighted to be here today,…

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Qu Dongyu, FAO Director-General

José Graziano receives the title of professor emeritus

The retired teacher implemented the Zero Hunger program during President Lula's first government and was a former director-general of the FAO Jornal da Unicamp | 08/10/2024 José Graziano received a…

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