Governance of Food Systems: a pathway to global Zero Hunger

By José Graziano da Silva, Director-General of the Instituto Fome Zero | 05/03/2025 Global hunger has largely been attributed to conflicts, climate change, and economic crises. In recent years, the…

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In February, the Global Alliance held the first meeting of its Council of Champions, alongside the 48th session of IFAD's governing council in Rome.

The economic costs of Trump’s assault on the global order

America is trying to undo the very system of open trade that it created By Martim Wolf in the Financial Times | 05/03/2025 On March 3, Donald Trump made two…

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Is obesity a disease?

It wasn’t. But it is now. The Economist | 15/01/2025 For years there has been a push to recognise obesity as a disease in its own right, and therefore something…

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Obese woman, coloured magnetic resonance (MRI) scan [Photograph: Science Photo Library]

WORLD FOOD FORUM 2024 Grand Opening Remarks

Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General opening speech | 14/10/2024 Excellences, Ladies and gentlemen, Dear colleagues, Welcome to the 2024 World Food Forum! I am truly delighted to be here today,…

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Qu Dongyu, FAO Director-General